eLibrary Discovery Session

Did you know you can access 1000’s of eBooks, eAudiobooks and digital media for free with your library membership and our eLibrary? Find out everything you need to know to get logged on and reading with our eLibrary at this free information session.


Did you know you can access 1000’s of eBooks, eAudiobooks, and digital media for free with your library membership and our eLibrary?


eBooks, eAudiobooks, Comics, Graphic Novels, TV Shows, Movies, Music, Newspapers, Magazines, Bi-lingual resources… we have it all! Your library at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere.


Find out everything you need to know to get logged on and reading with our eLibrary at this free information session.


Learn about:


  • Getting your library password
  • Our different platforms, and how to use them
  • What devices work best with our eLibrary, and for your needs
  • The unique benefits of each ePlatform


Bring yourself, and your questions! Discover the wonders of reading digitally.